Syuhei Hasado
A website for one of Japan's top craftspeople.
We were invited by the amazing Tokyo-based 10 Planning to craft a responsive website for Syuhei Hasado, one of Japan’s highest echelon of sakan 左官 plaster artists and craftspersons.
The resultant website folds in a lot: an upgrade of Hasado-san’s original website and blog spanning logs of over twenty years of activity, an introduction to the guest house that he has created, as well as e-commerce experiences.
Hasado-san’s website includes both horizontal and vertical approaches to Japanese typography — a rarity in the contemporary moment.
Hasado-san is one of the greatest representatives of the art and craft of Japanese plastering, a consummate aesthete with an enduring commitment to his work, and an envoy for Bunkacho, Japan’s Cultural Affairs Bureau. View Hasado-san’s website here: