Critique: The War of Design
A zine about how to approach design critique from cultural and critical perspectives.
Critique: The War of Design is about how to approach design critique from cultural and critical perspectives.
Lovingly offset printed in a mix of three colors, Critique mixes symbolism, memoir, institutional critique, a thorough walloping of some of design’s heroes, very silly illustrations, lovingly-placed clip art, and a pinch of ritual sacrifice applied to some of the silkiest Japanese papers globally.
Not sold on it yet? Critique is typeset in the Biwa and Biwa Stencil families of digital typefaces from Wordshape.
Topics within:
– Defining critique
– Crits in context
– Denotation and connotation
– Some mean-spirited writing about grunge music
– Some more mean-spirited writing about grunge typography
– Giving and receiving critical feedback
– Honing your inner critic
Critique: The War of Design Is sold out and out of print.