
30 or so Minor Objects: Japanese Graphic Design History

A 130-page bilingual English/Japanese book on pre-WW2 design history.

30 or so Minor Objects: Japanese Graphic Design History is a 130-page bilingual E/J book on pre-WW2 design history that I put together with the students in my Japanese Graphic Design History class at Temple University Japan.

We worked collectively to write, edit, and translate this book along with trusty editor/co-designer Iori Kikuchi and translator Ren Makishima.

The book will be available for free at the Japan editions of the exhibition “Which Mirror Do You Want To Lick?” at Geidai & Kindai in October of 2021.

“Which Mirror Do You Want To Lick?” is an exploration of graphic design history, both actual and speculative curated by Maki Suzuki, Radim Pesko and Sofie Dederen. With previous stops in France, Czech, and Australia, the exhibition is reimagined in Tokyo and Osaka as being comprised of projects made by students and local curators.

The book is 130 pages with a 4c cover and 1c interiors.

30 or so Minor Objects: Japanese Graphic Design History will not be available commercially—it can be obtained solely at the exhibitions.